How Get A List Of The Available Licenses In Your Office 365 Tenant [UPD]
How to Get a List of the Available Licenses in Your Office 365 Tenant
If you are an Office 365 administrator, you may want to know what licenses are available in your tenant and how many of them are assigned to users. This can help you manage your subscription and plan for future needs. In this article, we will show you how to use PowerShell to get a list of the available licenses and services in your Office 365 tenant.
To follow this tutorial, you need to have:
An Office 365 subscription with administrative privileges.
The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK or the Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module or the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell installed on your computer. You can find more information on how to install and configure these modules here.
A connection to your Office 365 tenant using one of the PowerShell modules mentioned above. You can find more information on how to connect to your tenant here.
Once you have connected to your Office 365 tenant using PowerShell, you can use the following steps to get a list of the available licenses and services in your tenant:
Run the Get-MgSubscribedSku or Get-MsolAccountSku cmdlet to get a list of the current licenses in your Office 365 tenant. Make a note of the SkuPartNumber or AccountSkuId value for the license you want to view. For example, ENTERPRISEPACK is the license plan name for Microsoft 365 E3[^2^] [^4^].
Run the Select -Property Sku*, ConsumedUnits -ExpandProperty PrepaidUnits Format-List command to view summary information about your current licensing plans and the available licenses for each plan[^2^]. The results contain:
SkuPartNumber: Shows the available licensing plans for your organization.
Enabled: Number of licenses that you've purchased for a specific licensing plan.
ConsumedUnits: Number of licenses that you've assigned to users from a specific licensing plan.
Run the -Property SkuPartNumber, ServicePlans command to view details about the Microsoft 365 services that are available in each licensing plan[^2^]. The results contain:
SkuPartNumber: Shows the available licensing plans for your organization.
ServicePlans: Shows the Microsoft 365 products, features, and capabilities that are available in each licensing plan. For example, EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD is the service name for Exchange Online Plan 1.
To view details about the licenses that are assigned to a user account, run the Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId \"\" or Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName \"\" Select -ExpandProperty Licenses Select AccountSkuId, ServiceStatus Format-List cmdlet[^2^] [^4^]. The results contain:
UserPrincipalName: Shows the sign-in name of the user account.
Licenses: Shows the licenses that are assigned to the user account.
AccountSkuId: Shows the license plan name for each license that is assigned to the user account.
ServiceStatus: Shows the status of each service that is available aa16f39245